Summer lab lunch

@HQ Korean BBQ

June 7, 2024

Junjie visited and gave a seminar @UAB!

Apr 24, 2024

Tahoe cryo-EM workshop 

@Lake Tahoe, CA

Mar 13-16, 2024

Ed is very happy surrounded by us

Discussion: Temperature-controlled Electron Quantitative Ultra-high resolution Imaging Localization and Analysis

Plunge freezing reveal novel protein rotamer: why could Shane have three sidearm chains? 

Holly officially joined our lab!

Mar 4, 2024

Our nanowire structures (OmcS/E/Z) made to the Molecule of the Month!!

Molecule of the Month: Nanowires
PDB-101: Feb 2024

Read more

Vince visited us and gave a seminar @UAB!

Like my new last name?
Feb 28, 2024


Jerry, very focused on the meeting
@Ventura CA
Jan 2024

Shane went to MCCET to learn cryo-ET

@MCCET, Madison Wisconsin
know more about MCCET

Jan, 2024

Holiday lab lunch

@Fish Market

Dec 8, 2023

Dr. Jun Liu gave a seminar @UAB!

Picture @Chibuzo

Dec 6, 2023

Rui gave a seminar @UAB!

Nov 8, 2023

Baker chamber is up and running in lab!

Oct 26, 2023

Megan gave a seminar in our department!

Oct 25, 2023

Mid autumn lab lunch

@Bay leaf

You maybe wondering where is everyone in this picture... 
John Ricca (FAU),  Holly,  Sajal,  Ayisha, Shane, Jessie, Jerry

Oct 5, 2023

lab lunch

實驗室午餐 @Great Wall

Communication with waiter here is nice. Jessie learnt some Chinese and we celebrate Ayisha's birthday

Jul 26, 2023

UAB cryoSPARC hands-on workshop

Jul 10-13, 2023

UAB news covered our ECN paper

by Jeff Hansen

Jul 6, 2023

Read news

Shane is awarded with R00 diversity supplement

July 1, 2023

Bing is giving a seminar @UAB!

As Jerry always forgets to take picture, Shane took some during lunch

May 24, 2023

Yang Yang visited us @UAB!

Great Wall restaurant

Apr 15, 2023

Shane joined our lab!

Mar 7, 2023

lab lunch

Lunch @Fish Market

Mar 3, 2023

Cannot find any lab members? Look harder and you will find ...

we are indeed not there, because Jerry forgot to take picture

Ed is giving a seminar @UAB

Why does Jerry always forget to take picture?

Feb 1, 2023

Ayisha joined our lab!

Jan 17, 2023

Tomek stopped by to help us put together EM workstations!

Dec 16, 2022

Tomek cursing workstation and gateway

Tomek cursing storage

Jessie finished her rotation and joined our lab!

Dec 16, 2022

1st lab outing

Lunch @Bay Leaf Modern Indian Cuisine & Bar

From left: Soon Dr. Ayisha Zia, Rotation student Jessie Fields, Jerry, Soon Dr. Jessalyn Miller (visiting from Conticello lab, Emory)

Oct 21, 2022

Our lab is open now! 

Looking for graduate students and Researcher III! All projects are available. Please contact Jerry via email [email protected]

Aug 15, 2022

Core approach: cryo-EM, helical indexing, structural proteomics
Optional training: cancer biology, anaerobic biology, peptide chemistry, Python programing, molecular biology
Networking and career development: conference presentation, departmental platform talks, collaborative projects outside and within UAB. A customized development/training plan tailored for your career trajectory.


Aug 5, 2022 (after lab lunch)

Very hard to say goodbye to my mentor Ed and Egelman lab members.
It's been a great journey!!!

What we do

Use cryo-EM to understand and design large assemblies

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